In this virtual showcase you will discover some of the University of Newcastle’s most exciting engineering and computing innovations - like a soft robot manta ray for coral reef research, a mind-controlled prosthetic hand, a contender for the world’s fastest boat, a healthcare respirator and a scaffold for the human spine.

Mind controlled prosthetic
Sam has designed a prosthetic hand that you can control with your mind.

Efficient copper processing
Sian has validated a more sustainable and efficient process for extracting valuable copper.

Soft robot manta ray
Matheus's soft manta ray robot will explore the Great Barrier Reef without harming fragile coral.

Through a robot's eyes
Josephus is developing a real-time vision tool that let's him see inside a robot's mind.

Solving downstream erosion
By predicting flow rates, Rob's research could help reduce erosion downstream from wiers.

3D printed spine scaffold
Sam has developed a 3D printed scaffold to support the human spine while it heals.

COVID safe respirator
Isaac, Nicholas and Phoebe designed an innovative respirator to protect healthcare professionals from COVID-19.

World's fastest boat?
Adam joins the team behind Spirit of Australia 2, contender for world's fastest boat.

Personalised VR training
Andrew is developing virtual reality based training systems that adapt to the user's skill level.

Clean hydrogen energy
Ruvimbo has synthesised a unique metal composite to help produce cleaner, greener hydrogen energy.

Team rocket
Team NU Rocketry are building a rocket to compete in the Australian Universities Rocket Competition.

Biomass batteries
Tahereh's aim is to convert biomass into advanced materials for use in batteries.

FIFA hopeful robots
Ysobel leads the NUBots, programming soccer playing robots to compete in the RoboCup championships.

Flood resistant future
By predicting future flooding, Chelsee and Harry are helping to design more resilient infrastrcuture.

Automated groundskeeper
Nathan and Brandon used Internet of Things technology to create an automated groundkeeper system.
Study Areas
Engineers and computing experts are the world’s great problem solvers. They apply a mix of creative and technical skills to tackle complex issues, invent new products and advance technology. If you’re excited by the idea of being part of the solution, consider a degree in engineering or computing.